1732 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20007

Gaza Hospital
A documentary by Marco Pasquini.

A discussion will follow the screening by two distinguished guests, Ms. Ellen Siegel and Dr. Lauri E. King.

Ms. Ellen Siegel is an American Jewish nurse who was volunteering at Gaza Hospital during the massacre in 1982. She is currently in Lebanon with a delegation to commemorate the 28th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre.

Dr. Laurie King is the North American Coordinator of International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, and an Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown University Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.

About the Film: The Gaza Hospital in Beirut is adjacent to the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila; it used to be a vanguard health center run by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. The Hospital witnessed and endured the Israeli invasion in 1982 and the War of the Camps -- being severely damaged and later set up as a refugee center hospital, a refugee shelter, a building. This documentary switches between past and present as it traces the history of this building and the stories ofthe people who live or have worked therein. It shows a story of war, resilience and memory. Gaza Hospital reveals a rich, albeit tragic story set in tumultuous times. Film is 84 minutes and is in Arabic with English subtitles.

All attendees must confirm thir attendence by sending a message to: rsvp@adc.org

Added by souso04 on September 16, 2010



a good opportunity to learn about Palestinian Refugees living in Lebanon and their dispossion for over 60 years. Lebanon hosts over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who were originally expelled from their homeland in 1948. Israel was established on their land. For over 62 years Israel has denied their return to their homes, towns, and fields in spite of International law, UN Resolutions, and 4th Geneva convention. This is a great opportinity to learn about this topic.

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