Las Vegas, Arkansas

Prime Connex.net
First Annual Gay-"Sin City Take Over"
Las Vegas - The Venetian 6 days/ 5 nights
August 14th - August 19th

Prices have been reduced

Interested in going to Vegas for free!!! Just recruit 6 people and once they are fully paid you will get a fully paid trip for yourself (room, round trip airfare, and transfers). The first step is to get your recruits to pay their deposits asap! I will need you to email me the names of the group that you have gotten together so I can keep track of them in your name for the free trip. You don't have to wait until you get all six to start your quest for the free trip, names can be emailed as you keep getting recruits. The more you get the more freinds and family you can take for free. This offer is open to the first 10 that contact me via email at natina@wonderfultraveladventures.com

Bird Special - Payment in full by March 14, 2009 will get adiscount person!!!!
Double - $535
Triple - $575
Quad - $480
The prices above are an "Earlybird Special" and are for a limited time and amount of packages. Trust me you won't get these prices anywhere for room, roundtrip flight and transfers for a stay at the Venetian.

Prime Connex.netwill be sponsoringa 6 day/5 night trip to Las Vegas, NV August 14th-August 19th. We will have flights departing from different citiesin the US such as but not limited to Atlanta, Baltimore, Raleigh, New York,Charlotte(NC) and Raleigh. Other cities can purchase their own airfare or contact us to do it for you if you havea group of 10 or more.

We will be staying at the Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino a Five star & 4 Diamond property located right on the Las Vegas Strip.

Amenities: The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino 4,027 rooms, all suites. Wireless Internet access. Restaurant, bar. Airport transportation available. Fitness center. Pool. Spa. Business center.
The fantastic price for thisamazing trip including roundtrip transfers from the airport to the hotel, hotel room and airfarefrom selected cities (Raleigh, Baltimore, Atlanta, Charlotte) is $735 per person based on double occupancy. Triple occupancy is $620 per person and Quad occupancy is $560 per person. Remember that all prices included flight, 5 night stay and transfers to and from the airport in Vegas.

We will be having many activity and events for the five days that we are scheduled to be there such as dinner and a show, daily brunch, exclusive meet & greet party, pool party, clubbing, LA tour, and Grand Canyon & Hoover Dam tour, and much more. This will be a great chance to vacation with your friends or family and meet new gay freinds from other parts of the country and explore Vegas with a group that you feel comfortable with. Also, upon arrival you will receive a goodie bag with a keepsake T-shirt and other items. The cost for the activity package will be released shortly.

For those that are in cities other than the selected flight cities the price per roomis $1050 and can hold 4. If you have a group of 10 or more we can get you a flight deal (pls.contact us for details).

Payments can be made all at once or in installments. We are accepting payment arrangements with a non refundable deposits thedeposit will be for only $150per person which will secure your room and flight.The final two payments are dueMay 1, 2009 andthe final is dueJuly 1, 2009.Deposits are being accepted now.Please note that if you book atriple or quad roomthat the amount of persons must be maintained, if the number of persons in your party decreases the price changes and must be paidwith final payment.Also, with triple and quad bookings all names of persons in your party must be emailed or sent to me to be added to your room. Payments can be made online or via mail. Mailed payments must include the full name, address, telephone number, and email address if you have one (email addresses are use for communication purposes). Also please specify the trip that you are paying for. Payments can be mailed to
Wonderful Travel Adventures
PO Box 26745
Raleigh, NC 27611
Please make checks or money orders payable to Natina Paige

For those that don't have a travel partner or roommate one can be found for you, please contact us for details.

**Please note that any charges that you incur such as room service, movies, mini bar, food and beverage, transportation around town (other than airport transfers), souvenirs, tips, and anything else that we did not include in the listed price are YOUR sole responsibility.***

If You have any questions please free to contact us at natina@wonderfultraveladventures.com or 919-665-4072.

Organized by Prime Connex

Ticket Info:  
  • Early Bird Special - Double option (payment in full), $575.00
  • Early Bird Special - Triple option (pmt in full), $535.00
  • Early Bird Special - Quad option (pmt in full), $480.00
  • Deposit (per person), $153.75
  • 2nd payment - (Double) - per person, $299.81
  • 2nd payment - (Triple) - per person, $240.88
  • 2nd payment - (Quad) - per person, $210.12
  • 3rd & final payment - (Double) per person, $299.81
  • 3rd & final payment - (Triple) - per person, $240.88
  • 3rd & final payment - (Quad) - per person, $210.12
  • One time payment - Double (per person), $744.95
  • One time payment - (Triple) per person, $629.95
  • One time payment -(Quad) per person, $569.95
  • Room only, $1,060.00

Official Website: http://gayvegasgetaway-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

Interested 1