This workshop is designed to help you understand the scope of this issue and learn proven techniques you can use to help those struggling with suicidal thinking. During the workshop, you will learn the warning signs of suicide and what to do if an individual displays warning signs.
Workshop content includes:
National and State statistics that help identify at risk groups,
The complex attitudes, emotions, beliefs and situations that may lead to suicidal thinking,
Myths that negatively affect society's attitudes,
Psychological, behavioral and situational warning signs,
Buffers against suicide that form connections to living,
Lethality assessment guidelines,
Counseling approaches,
Types of questions that encourage positive thinking,
and local, State and National prevention organizations and resources.
The Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Workshop is hosted by Tampa Learning Connection at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay as a means of raising community awareness and support for suicide prevention and lowering the suicide rate in our community.
Workshop Objectives
After attending this workshop you will be able to:
Describe the effect of myths on helpseeking behavior,
List low, moderate and high level indicators for suicide risk,
Define three counseling approaches that help people cope with suicidal thoughts,
Write three types of questions that promote positive thinking.
Organized by Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
At the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay we offer help, hope and healing to all people experiencing lifes problems and challenges, big and small. We are located in Tampa, Florida, and provide services throughout the State and beyond.
We help people cope with the devastating trauma of sexual or physical violence, domestic violence or abuse, depression and despair, substance abuse, financial problems, family issues or whenever lifes challenges are overwhelming.
Call 2-1-1 at the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay where we offer crisis counseling and/or information and referral to over 3,000 community services.
Ticket Info: Gatekeeper Suicide Pervention 3-27-9, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/300034411/upcoming