801 E 4th Place
Los Angeles, California 90013

Join us to celebrate five years of organizing & defending the rights of Los Angeles garment workers.

Come early to shop at GWCs annual Fair Trade Marketplace. Stay late to enjoy the music of East LAs Quetzal.

6:00pm - 7:00pm Reception & Fair Trade Market

7:00pm - 8:00pm Program & Awards Ceremony with TOM HAYDEN, former CA Senator & long time peace activist

8:00pm - 10:00pm Special performance by QUETZAL

The Awards:

  • Community Trendsetter Award - Progressive Christians United
  • Solidarity Award - United Students Against Sweatshops
  • Advocate Award - Forever 21 Campaign Legal Team: ACLU of Southern California; Asian Pacific American Legal Center; Robert Meyers, National Lawyers Guild; Douglas Mirell, Loeb & Loeb, LLC.; Carol Sobel, National Lawyers Guild
Buy your tickets early because space is limited!

Spanish & Mandarin translation will be provided. Childcare available. For more information, please contact 213-748-5866 or smiller@garmentworkercenter.org.

About the Garment Worker Center
The Garment Worker Center was opened in 2001. Our mission is to empower garment workers in the Greater Los Angeles area and to work in solidarity with other low wage immigrant workers and disenfranchised communities in the struggle for social, economic and environmental justice.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Garmentworkercenter.

Official Website: http://www.garmentworkercenter.org

Added by Garmentworkercenter on November 16, 2006