A luncheon lecture sponsored by the Maymont Council
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Maymont’s Italian Garden, discover the two most engaging examples of 16th century Italian gardens – the Villa D'Este at Tivoli and the Villa Lante at Bagnaia. Dr. Reuben M. Rainey, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture at the University of Virginia, will show how the design features of these well-known gardens celebrate the prestige of their patrons, much as Maymont’s Italian Garden continues to evoke the interests and status of James and Sallie Dooley. Dr. Rainey served on the University of Virginia faculty for thirty-two years and is co-producer of the ten-part PBS documentary “Garden Story.” Reservations required by October 29; call 804-358-7166, ext. 329 or click here to register online.
Official Website: http://www.maymont.org/Page.aspx?pid=214&cid=2&ceid=571&cerid=0&cdt=9/29/2010
Added by janine.rvanews on October 24, 2010