14540 Canyon Two Rd
Rio Nido, California 95471

GLR is packing up and heading out, time to return to the redwoods and roll along the river!!!!

Come join us under the redwoods for music, fun, sun, water and last but not least......"crocodiles"

We'll be at The Rio Nido Roadhouse, our favorite river getaway spot Saturday Night June 12 - Come spend the weekend on the river - as an added bonus it's also Stumptown Days!!! With a Parade and assorted other shenanigans going on...so book you campground or hotel or cabin NOW before there's no more room at the INN!

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=118358204850676&index=1

Added by 200pockets on June 11, 2010