Halloween OCT 29th 9PM means a BIG SHOW for GarageComedy COSTUME CONTEST! HAUNTED PATIO PARTY and MAZE! Commune with the dead as (all these acts will surely kill) This week is co-hosted by the ghost of a scary little girl and equally scary but very much alive Erik Charles Nielson! Our dead-liners this Monday are the Tulsa Skull Swingers who play scary indie rock (with spoooky stage banter), also featuring Sean Hart (you may remember him as The Heavy Metal Comic) And at the moment of finality, the SILENT Heckler with Broooody Stevens (goto GarageComedy.com and chat with him LIVE... or deeeead) We've also got : Ghost Hunters (actually talented actooors) Davey Johnson and Jon Glover A special guest appearance by Sarah Silverman's Box Adam Shenkman a cartoon by Mike Howwwllingsworth a video by Mookie Blaiklock, a video by Bennie Arthur Spencer Brown Rebecca Addleman The Baker Brother Boys Cale Hartmann, James Pumphrey and Andy Francis a gospel country band of brothers, Ronnie Prouty Jayson Thibault and a spooky video by Abed Gheith!! The Haunted Patio is on the upper patio of El Cid! It's actually a scary maze starts designed by Val Myers, the braaaain behind last year's CDR Halloween maze and decorations at the UCB theater. The maze will have a small donation at the entrance ($1) which will go to getting Garage Comedy t-shirts for vegas! The costume contest is unofficially sponsored by Tecate whomever wins gets a free TWELVE PACK! Two categories: Funniest Costume and Least Comfortable Looking!! The Costume contest will be held on the lower patio after the show and judged by our very own SparkiePop! This week bring your lap top to the show (El Cid has free wifi) or stay at home and get in the chat room so you can and HECKLE BRODY STEVENS! HERE IS A SAMPLE OF THE TULSA SKULL SWINGERS WATCH ALL OF THIS LIVE ON GARAGECOMEDY.COM or come in person and see it live with your own eyes to: EL CID 4212 SUNSET BLVD LA CA 90029
Official Website: http://garagecomedy.com
Added by GarageComedy on October 26, 2007