Concet of Garage & Tony Duchacek
This legendary Prague rock band was founded in 1979 by Ivo Pospil. During the 80s many musicians of the Czech independent music scene appeared in this underground band. Drummer Tonda Pnika and vocalist Tony Duchek joined the band in 1982. Mejla Hlavsa, the underground Czech icon (The Plastic People Of The Universe, DG307, Plnoc), has been playing with Gar for 7 years and composed several Gar songs (e.g. hit Mashrooms - known more as Houby or Muchomrky bl). In 1992 Gar performed in New York, Swiss and German clubs as well as festivals in Belgium and France. Two years later, the song named 'Berlin' succeeded in hit parade of Radio France International and the band was consequently invited to perform in Cannes. Like their well-known counterparts, the Plastic People of the Universe, with whom they collaborated at length artistically, Duchek and his band-mates continue to play at Prague's most interesting rock venues.
Added by BayCzech on April 3, 2008