19 University Place Room 102
New York, New York 10003

NYU Calendar

cbyrne@g4li.org - Cheryl Byrne

Games for Learning Institute (G4LI) and Motorola challenge developers to create learning games through the submission of their games for learning basic 6th grade geometry. Entrants will choose 5 NY State standards, create a game around them, and demonstrate that learning goal's achievement.
The First Place winner garners a cash prize of $5,000!
More info at www.g4li.org

Official Website: http://events.nyu.edu/index.cgi?cmd=showevent&ncmd=listmonth&cal=cal12&id=251202&ncals=&de=1&tf=0&sib=1&sb=0&sa=1&ws=1&stz=Default&sort=e,m,t&cat=&swe=1&cf=list&set=1&m=11&d=1&y=2

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 10, 2011