Announcing the second annual Game Design Expo & Open House, featuring some of the leading minds in video game design and development, to be held in Vancouver, B.C. on January 19th and 20th, 2008, and hosted by Vancouver Film School.
Compared to last year’s sold-out event, Game Design Expo 2008 is bigger in every way, with two days of lectures and panels by the designers, producers, and CEOs behind some of the biggest games of yesterday and today. Speakers from top companies like Activision, BioWare, Eidos, EA, and Stormfront Studios are coming to present topics ranging from the Console Wars to Digital Acting & Interactive Narrative to Game Audio.
For those thinking about working in the game industry, the Game Design program at VFS will be holding a free day-long Open House event in conjunction with Game Design Expo 2008, with workshop classes and hands-on game demos.
Game Design Industry Expo
Saturday, January 19th, 9:00am – 7:30pm
Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St.
Sunday, January 20th, 10:30am – 4:00pm
Vancouver Film School, 420 Homer St.
VFS Game Design Open House
Sunday, January 20th, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Vancouver Film School, 390 West Hastings St.
Tickets to the Expo (on sale November 21st, 2007, prices in Canadian dollars) are $80 for both days, $50 for Saturday, and $35 for Sunday.
More speakers will be announced in the coming weeks, including a special keynote presentation. Watch this space for up-to-the-minute news!
Game Design Expo and its Event Partners G4TechTV, EA, The Elan Awards, Annex Pro, Crystal Dynamics, Radical Entertainment, Big Fish Games, Next Level Games, Metropolitan Hotel, and The Province are looking forward to another fantastic event.
Official Website:
Added by PRGirl on November 13, 2007