Have you ever wondered how the California Public Utilities Commission is going to achieve its lofty Renewable Portfolio Standard targets or the Environmental Protection Agency will achieve its reduction in ambient air contamination goals?
Come join the biggest names in cleantech to see some of the best and brightest emerging technologies that will allow the CPUC, EPA and other agencies to hit their goals and targets. The UC Berkeley Cleantech Institute's Game Changing Innovations Showcase will introduce you to the emerging technologies coming from National Labs, Incubators and private companies on the evening of October 5th, 2009.
To register for this event, please use the following link:
The Game Changing Cleantech Innovations Showcase is presented as part of this year's Cleantech Institute, hosted by the UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education. The Cleantech Institute is a three-day executive education course designed to advance commercialization of clean technologies by converging a dialogue between the key triad: Economics, Innovation and Policy; facilitating knowledge building and action taking to make the system work better; and creating a network that continues "action learning". Participants will gain the networks and know-how necessary to catalyze the industry into achieving its potential. For more information about the Cleantech Institute, please visit http://www.prescienceintl.com/cti.html.
Official Website: http://www.prescienceintl.com/cti_showcase.html
Added by FullCalendar on September 22, 2009