Aesthetic Pruning in Early Spring with Chris Ingram
Aesthetic pruning requires considerably more thought and planning than simply shearing off new growth. Pruning trees and shrubs can dramatically enhance the beauty and value of your landscape, while improving the overall health of your plants. Chris will share with us aesthetic pruning principles and practices ideal for early spring, but that can be used throughout the year.
Chris Ingram is an ISA Certified Arborist and Professional Aesthetic Pruner. Among other things, he is an Assistant Instructor at Merritt College in Oakland and for the Master Gardener Program in Marin. He is a graduate of the Merritt College Horticultural Department with special emphasis on Aesthetic Pruning, and the City College of SF and Strybing Arboretum "Master Pruning Program." With 30+ years of experience in field of arboriculture and pruning, Chris is an expert in his field. He owns and runs "Mr. Prune Tree Care" in San Francisco providing full range of arboriculture services including planting, early training, pruning, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and consultation services.
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Added by FullCalendar on December 29, 2009