Speaker: Olivia Lowrey
BSL/English Interpreter
The Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art shows treasures from the Middle East, including the famous Ardabil carpet from 16th-Century Iran, one of the largest, finest and earliest dated carpets in existence.
Cost: Free
These events are free but advanced booking is essential. Call the Booking Office on 020 7942 2211, textphone 020 7942 2002, fax: 020 7942 2524 or email: bookings.office@vam.ac.uk. Meet in the Cromwell Road entrance at the Meeting Point. Entry to the museum is free and People with disabilities are entitled to free admission to the V&A exhibitions with up to two friends. Call us on 0207942 2533 if you would like to be added to our database or email us at disability@vam.ac.uk if you prefer to receive our events programmes by email.
Added by AlisonB on October 25, 2006