25 The West Mall
Toronto, Ontario

Most of us are amazed at the beauty of a calligrapher’s handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush as they give form to letters in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner. In Sherway Gardens’ (Hwy 427 & the QEW) current Gallery in the Garden exhibit entitled Handwriting on the Wall, calligrapher Mark Lurz takes lettering a step further, incorporating historical scripts with traditional or modern images and designs to create artworks that can be pictorial, elegant, and occasionally humourous. The exhibit is on display until May 11 in the corridor at door 3. For more information call 416-621-1070 or visit www.sherwaygardens.ca.

Mark left his home and work in Switzerland in 1967 intending to spend two years in Canada to learn English, experience a new culture and sharpen skills in his professional trade. Two events kept Mark here in Canada: he met a Canadian girl named Donna and had the luck of immediately being offered a job.

As a colour retoucher apprentice, Mark had acquired the artistic skills to work with the brush in minute detail on negative or positive separation films. This expertise led to his 31-year-career in a gravure packaging house in Mississauga, Ontario.

While learning his trade, Mark attended the Kunstgewerbeschule of Basel (Arts & Craft School of Basel). In addition to classes in colour theory, photography and related artistic skills, he took his first lessons in calligraphy, the art of fine handwriting in many styles. This skill was never to lose its grip in Mark’s life. He was hooked on writing with the broad edged pen.

In Toronto, Mark found calligraphy classes taught by a German writing master. Before long, Mark was teaching evening classes as well. Awareness of the handwritten scripts grew in the 1970s and with like-minded enthusiasts, Mark helped found the Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto.

With the growing use of the computer, interest in handwriting skills faded from school programs. Few students signed up for night classes. Now Mark offers classes locally in this art only at Neilson Park Creative Centre in Etobicoke.

Mark now devotes all of his time to writing. In his studio in Bolton, he designs diplomas, certificates, corporate and personal logos, family trees, coats of arms, wedding invitations, addressed stationary and creative cards for all festive occasions. Mark is one of the few Canadian calligraphers to have mastered most historic scripts of Western Civilization and he can add an innovative look to contemporary letter shapes.

When not writing, Mark spends time at the family cottage. He is an avid windsurfer and loves to cross-country ski in winter. He also continues his interest in entomology and his quest to find all longhorn beetles of Ontario.

Official Website: http://www.sherwaygardens.ca

Added by ashworthassociates on April 8, 2013