9301 Eden Prairie Road,
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344

What about the title of thisevent inspired you to attend? Was it the thought of having an empowered approach to life one that is grounded and calm, or was it the idea of ridding yourself from the burden of control that fear-based lifestyle that snags our joy, peace, and our clarity to make God-honoring decisions, and to hear and obey His voice? Perhaps you were most intrigued by the concept of living a fearless life one of reckless abandon to trust your Lord, no matter how wild of an adventure it is to serve Him. Its time to combat the rampant fear and lack of trust that most of us find ourselves struggling with. Perhaps its in the form of anxiety, worry, or simply lack of peace. Your time to experience joy and total peace has arrived.

Exploring four key influences we do have in our lives, Dawn N. Fleming, MA, LMFT*,will present the following helpful tools:

Renewing our beliefs about ourselves and God

Communicating authentically & from the heart

Setting healthy boundaries -- knowing when to say "yes" and "no"

Surrendering those things out of our control to God

You can expect to gain extremely practical knowledge, while being challenged to find a balance between proactive livingand letting go of control. If youre looking tolive from a heart of trust and surrender, rather than fear, this event is for you.

Webelieve it is no accident you chose this moment to attend this event. You have answered a divine invitation to experience God on a new level, as you more deeply surrender your life to Him and allow Him to show you what living fearlessly is all about.


3-hour emotional & spiritual development event - Gaining Power & Losing Control

A 30-minute FREE consultation with a Living Influence therapist to apply what you've learned in a personal way.

*To learn more about Living Influence, or to read Dawn N. Fleming's biography, please visit www.livinginfluence.com.

Organized by Living Influence, LLC
Living Influence is a Christian organization committed to offering everyone an abundant and complete experience of God. Our hope is not only to create the opportunity to experience God vividly as a collective body through our conferences, but also to meet the needs for one-on-one counsel and healing, through our counseling center. We believe that both are necessary for true, lasting change, as well as to fully receive from God what He has prepared for you.
The purpose of Living Influence is to influence others in vividly experiencing God. Our longing is to witness a movement of people, awakened by a healing encounter with God, who are compelled to embrace a life of reckless surrender, thereby igniting a generation of living influences.

Ticket Info:  Gaining Power & Losing Control: Living Life Fearlessly, $20.00

Official Website: http://livinginfluencegplc-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009