SMASH HIT MUSIC RECORD RELEASE PARTY at the 222 Club. we're celebrating the release of SMASH HIT number 7 by 40 THIEVES (that's me layne, corey black, jaswho, and a cast of thousands and you're invited: yes, you made the short list you lucky, lucky person.
TK Disko, Safety Scissors, Layne Fox, Corey Black & Conor, behind the decks for a friggin' musical battle royale, no holds barred, no mercy offered. funk, disco, house from the outer limits, boogie nouveau, dancefloor punk, hip hop sleaze rock and dirty dawg pop. all blasting out of the 222 Club's brilliant new sound system.
5 dollars....9 to 2...Come say hello...
Added by safetyscissors on November 30, 2006