Drawn & Quarterly and Fantagraphics cartoonists Gabrielle Bell (Lucky, Mome), Kevin Huizenga (Curses, Ganges), and Anders Nilsen (Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow, The End, Mome, Monologues for the Coming Plague) make a stop in Seattle, on their tour that takes them to St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Berkeley. The cartoonists will be presenting a slide show on their work, answering questions and signing their latest D+Q and Fantagraphics releases.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery
1201 Vale Street (at Airport Way S) Seattle, WA 98108 • 206.658.0110
Saturday, February 17, 2007, 6:00PM
Praise for Gabrielle Bell:
"With a selective eye for detail and a knack for capturing tart dialogue, Bell squeezes joy from an underemployed and under-realized 20-something existence." — The Washington Post
Praise for Kevin Huizenga:
"Specializing in stories planted in America's suburban sprawl, Huizenga discovers the magical and cosmological possibilities hidden in plain site of 'average' lives." — Time.com
Praise for Anders Nilsen:
“Pushing back the boundaries of comic art, Nilsen’s results are hilarious, whimsical and heartbreakingly real.” — Publishers Weekly
A broad selection of images in a variety of formats is available for publication. For more information, or to arrange an interview with an artist, please contact Eric Reynolds at the numbers above.
Official Website: http://www.fantagraphics.com/
Added by EricReynolds on January 25, 2007