165 Queen's Gate,
London, England SW7 5HD

Arthur C Clarke’s writings inspired generations of scientists and engineers. But did he and other science fiction writers really influence the science and technology around us? Come along as we look at how science fiction can become science fact.

Roger Luckhurst, School of English and Humanities, Birkbeck College,
Jenny Rohn, founder lablit.com and research scientist
Jon Turney, writer and critic of both popular science and science fiction books
Chris Welch, Principal Lecturer in Astronautics, Kingston Universit

It is free but you have to pre-book
Call 020 7942 4040 or e-mail tickets@danacentre.org.uk

The Dana Centre and d.café are licensed premises open only to those aged 18 or over. Most events are free. Arrive early to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food and drink in our air-conditioned d.café.

Official Website: http://www.danacentre.org.uk/events/2008/06/04/404

Added by Gaetan Lee on May 16, 2008