Poor Man's Lobster is a droplet of energy from the sun that rooted with the earth to represent the sounds ever present within her core. The constant shifting of the earth's tectonics is aligned with P.M.L evolving a magnificent nebula of sound that will captivate the listening ear. Don't let the metaphors fool you Poor Man's Lobsters music packs a serious punch and can leave quite an aftertaste on the palettes of music lovers and party goers alike.
Poor Man's Lobster was formed in 2006, and has played with many successful bands. P.M.L has opened for Perpetual Groove, Passafire, The Nighthawks and Jimi's Chicken Shack. P.M.L has also successfully co-billed with Future, Murphys Kids, and Urban Scientific.
"This Local Band Successfully blends Blues, Funk, and Rock." -The Washington Post
"Hard work and dedication is what a local band needs to rise above the rest, and Poor Man's Lobster is far from short on that." -Falls Church News Press
The band name "Future" was derived from a celebratory toast to the completion of their first song, "Carpe Diem" - in which the band unexpectedly cheered "to the future!" They each paused for moment, and together laughed at the realization that they had finally discovered their long awaited band name.
Plenty of party bands exhibit a vague notion of eclecticism. Using hip-hop, reggae, soul, funk and rock, they haphazardly throw disparate elements of each into a musical blender and pray for some cohesion. Many fail. But then there's the ambitiously dubbed Future, a D.C. quintet that seamlessly melds those genres by fusing emcee "Chuck Buckets" heady slam poetry and Gordon Sterling's explosive, soulful pipes with deep reggae grooves, driving rock rhythms and guitar pyrotechnics-often over the course of a single song. Future's extended explorations are unbound by stylistic notions. The group, which gelled three years ago after the demise of a previous band, has adopted "Spread Love Massive" not only as the title of the opening track from its self-titled debut but also as a motto of sorts, evident in the positive vibes overflowing from the disc and the quintet's energetic live performances. "Our music is a conversation about the human experiment," Sterling explains. "As this experiment goes, so goes our music." -Spencer Griffith; Indy Week.com
Official Website: http://www.jamminjava.com/
Added by Jammin Java on May 18, 2010