81 Newgate Street
London, England EC1

Looking at the latest innovations in digital delivery systems. Media experts will discuss:

- VIDEO ON THE MOVE – who wants to watch?
- USER GENERATED CONTENT SITES - the future of broadcasting?
- HIGH DEFINITION DVD - the end of cinema-going?
- COMPUTERS - the new interactive TVs?
- DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION TO CINEMAS - the salvation of UK independent filmmaking?

Organised by the Writers, Producers and
Directors Committee of BECTU
373-377 Clapham Road, London Sw9 9BT

The SPEAKERS and SUBJECTS to be discussed:
- Howard Kiedaisch, CEO Arts Alliance Media (former CFO U.P.I.) - Digital Distribution to Cinemas.
- Philip Bourchier O’Ferrall, MD TwoFour Interactive – Delivering video to Mobile phones, Ipods, Interactive TV.
- David Sidebottom, Digital Consultant, Understanding and Solutions - Future Distribution trends.
- Elliot Grove, Founder of Raindance, the UK independent film festival - Internet TV channels and movies to mobiles.
- Alison Berryman, Copyright Lawyer, The Waterfront Partnership - The Copyright implications of the new Platforms.
- A speaker from Google’s video partnership team - User Generated Content Sites like “YouTube”.

Each speaker will present for 10 minutes and the audience will then have the opportunity to ask the panel questions.

Seats are FREE but limited for this event.
To ensure your reservation email: wpds@bectu.org.uk

Official Website: http://www.ukpa.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/future_distribution-2.pdf

Added by sheilaellen on April 16, 2007

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