2196 Lincoln Avenue
San Jose, California 95125

Fused Glass Jewelry 201

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Maybe you took the last Fused Glass Jewelry class maybe you didn't, either way you'll love this new class! You don't need any prior glass fusing experience to have some fun in this class learning some fun, new techniques not taught in the last class.

You'll work on two different projects! First, you'll choose a finished fused cabochon (translation: beautiful glass bling filled piece) and learn how to wire-wrap it; creating a bezel as you wrap to hang it using your own cord or a chain! This piece will go home with you on class night! Second, you'll learn to cut glass, use a glass grinder for shaping your pieces, and even create your own patterns using a glass etching acid. You'll be able to create multiple pieces of jewelry that will be tack fused in a kiln creating beautiful multi-dimensional pieces for you to turn into earrings, pendants or pins! Check out the samples at the store!

You've all seen these beautiful pieces at craft shows, now is your chance to learn how it's done! Your pieces will make beautiful gifts (if you can part with them) at less the cost. Once your creations have been fused in the kiln you'll be able to take them home and enjoy!

Instructor: John Giblin

Price: Normal Registration: $60 After 3/02/2011: $65

Register at: http://aworkofheart.com/calendar/view_event.asp?CalendarID=11685

Official Website: http://www.aworkofheart.com

Added by aworkofheart on February 20, 2011

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