Heart to Heart & Elgan Consulting
Presentan interactiveFunshop
"Be the Mastermind of YOUR Life"
Inspiring - Empowering Topics
Your IMAGE...Your BIG Ticket to SUCCESS!
Communication that enables CHANGE
Unleashing your own abilities to manifest your DREAMS
&much more...
Charlene Fagan-England
Human Relations and Image Consultant
Phyllis Nagle
CertifiedInner Workout Coach
Sunday, April 5, 2009 ffrom 1:00pm t0 5:00pm
Courtyard by Marriot Hotel, Mississauga
Building EffectivePersonal and Professional RELATIONSHIPS
Enter to Win
3 Coaching sessions (value $300)
3 Image consultations (value $300)
Breakfast / Lunch for 2 compliments of Ice House Restaurant
Books "Effortless Prosperity" by Bijan
Before March 20, 2009 Admission is $49.00
After March 20, 2009 Admission is $60.00
Speakers Profile
Charlene Fagan-England, Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development has over 15 years experience as a motivational speaker, image consultant, fashion designer and trainer. Her career spans lecturing at the tertiary level in career and personal counselling and human resource training. Exposed to different cultures at various socio-economic levels and a passion for connecting people, for the past 4 years, Charlene hosted a women's retreat in Jamaica where women are taken away from their daily routine to her vacation retreat "TIMBUKTU." Women are pampered, entertained and counselled on topics such as rediscovering you, coping with stress andYOU and your image, among other topics.
Charlene's personal stories are an inspiration to her audience at every speaking engagement.
Phyllis Nagle, is a certified Inner Workout Coach; she is a known facilitator, speaker and aspiring writer. She has conducted seminars and workshops in Canada, US and Europe. Fifteen years ago her world was turned upside down that caused her to crash emotionally, physically and financially. After trying various means of healing, she discovered that the only place to look was at herself, the beginning of a challenging odyssey. Her passion is to share this process of healing with others that will help to heal them from the pain that life sometimes challenges us with and to enjoy a life of perfect health, loving relationships, freedom and financial wealth.
Let her guide you through this process to make it happen for YOU. Most of us have done it...had a rough day...stressed out and we take it out on the people we cherish most in our lives...our children and families! Dealing with these emotions is the pathway to having the life you DESERVE!
Organized by Boca Publishing Group Inc.Boca Publishing Group Inc. is an events production and management company specializing in wedding planning, trade shows, conferences, fashion show and other social and corporate events.
We offer desktop publishing services tocreate a unique one stop experience, specializing inthe design and printing of events brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, catalogs and much more.
Our business networking group, Business Shapers was created with the visionto empower, educate and network small businesses together to grow by creating a referal system for members, trade show for businesses to showcase their business and provide information to empower business owners.
Together we will grow, stronger, greater and quicker!
Visit us online at www.bocapublishing.ca
Ticket Info: Be the Mastermind of Your Life (Early Bird Discount), C$50.23
Official Website: http://masterminds-upcoming.eventbrite.com