(Doors open at 6:30 and seating is assigned on a first-come basis)
The DC Improv is searching for the funniest college student in the Washington D.C. and surrounding areas and will host showcases at several universities around town. On March 30, The DC Improv will be showcasing students from several universities that were unable to host the event on their campuses.
This show will feature college students/comedians performing 5 minutes of original stand-up material in front of an audience of their peers and a panel of expert judges. Two students will be selected as winners and will be invited to perform for the finals to be held at The DC Improv on April 14, 2011. At the finals, one student will be crowned the winner and is rewarded with a paid hosting gig at The DC Improv plus additional prizes. The prize for the University is a reputation for housing some of the funniest students in the area.
Hosted by: Jeff Maurer
The lineup includes:
# Tom Achilles (American)
# Alex Ward (American)
# Matthew La Magna (Georgetown)
# Maurice Licorish (Howard)
# Tony Lamont (Howard)
# Jacques Kindle (Howard)
# Christopher Lefebvre (Catholic)
# Jonathan Tincher (St. Johns College)
# Steven Rosenberg (American)
Added by thedcimprov on February 9, 2011