Honorary Host:
American Idol Finalist- Syesha Mercado
Event Host:
Denise & Col. John Saputo
Host Committee:
Sheriff W. Brad Steube
Police Chief Garry Lowe
David Bailey
Janelle & Carlos Beruff
Elizabeth & Dr. Richard Conard
Mary & Lou Eurice
Sara & Billy Eurice
Amy & Jonathan Fleece, Esq.
Tanya & Chris Lukowiak
Michael Rosario
Misty Servia
Sabrina & Frank Sweeney
Betty & Dr. Craig Trigueiro
Steve Vernon
Suggested Contribution; $50.00
Checks may be mailed to: Edward Bailey Campaign, PO Box 1957, Palmetto, FL 34220
RSVP to Barry at 727-459-4562 or eabailey2003@yahoo.com
Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Edward Bailey, Republican, Candidate for Manatee County Supervisor of Elections. Maximum Contribution of $500. Contributions are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes
Added by eabailey2003 on April 1, 2012