I am writing this in a note and posting it - even if your not local, maybe you know someone who is. My brother, David, was diagnosed with stage IV liver disease from Hepatitis C just over a year ago. He went the medical route for treatmant only to find that the medication, while slowly killing the virus, was also slowly killing him. He has had a rough year and is now using a homeopathic/herbal route to try to fight this disease. He has been in the hospital several times and has had other complications arise over these months including diabetes. Unfortunately, it was necessary for him to go on permanent disability and the family of six (my nieces and nephews are 13, 9, 5 and 3) is struggling with all of his medical needs. Some neighbors/friends have organized a fund raiser for him. This is the email I received from my mom yesterday . . . "Mine Hill neighbors of Jennifer and Dave Winget are holding a fundraiser for the family. Take your family/friends to the Black River Barn restaurant (Route 10 West in Randolph) for lunch or dinner on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, March 9, 10 and 11, and tell the server you are there for the Winget Family Fundraiser. The Barn has agreed to donate 20% of those proceeds from the purchase to the Wingets to help offset medical and other bills incurred from Dave's illness. Keep the Winget family in your daily prayers."
Thank you for reading and if your in the area and like the barn. . . If not, please say a prayer for my brother David.
Wendy xo
Added by wendycleffi on February 25, 2009