8331 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118

Ten Thousand Villages, a fair trade retailer of handmade crafts will donate 15 percent of their sales to support Chestnut Hill College’s service trip to the Bigwa Sisters Secondary School in Tanzania on Friday, February 12, 2010 from 4-8 p.m. at 8331 Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia.
The money will be used to offset costs for four students in the College’s Global Studies class who will travel to Morogoro, a city in the East African Republic of Tanzania from May 16 through June 2, 2010. While in Tanzania, Chestnut Hill College students will tutor the sisters in English proficiency, and also help them prepare for their final examinations. For more information about the service trip to Tanzania or fundraiser, please contact Marie Conn, Ph.D., professor of religion at mconn@chc.edu 215.248.7044 with any questions.

Official Website: http://chc.edu

Added by chc.publicrelations on February 1, 2010