Learn FREE from the experts about grants and funding opportunities available to UK Motorsport businesses by attending the Motorsport Academy's Funding Opportunities for Motorsport Event on 27th March 2009 at Pera, Melton Mowbray.
This free event is being run by the Motorsport Academy in collaboration with Pera and aims to equip motorsport companies with the knowledge to assess different funding opportunities and align activities to give the best chance of winning grant funding.
Companies will learn about what funding is available, how to apply and what the pitfalls are.
Each company will also have the opportunity to sit down with a specialist advisor to discuss funding opportunities specific to their company needs.
Tickets are limited so register now!
Organized by Motorsport Academy
To ensure that the UK retains its global dominance of the motorsport industry by ensuring that the sector has the requisite skills, training and knowledge to continue to compete on the world stage
Ticket Info: Funding Opportunities for Motorsport Companies, Free
Official Website: http://fundingmotorsport-upcoming.eventbrite.com