650 15th Street,
Denver, Colorado 80202

Denver Section
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Continuing Education Short Course Offering

Fundamentals of Reservoir Description & Modeling with Geostatistics
Instructor:David O. Ogbe, Ph.D., P.E., Greatland Solutions, LLC
Dates:1:00 5:00 PM Thursday, April 16, 2009 and 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday, April 17, 2009
Location:Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, 650 15th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202
1.2 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) will be awarded by SPE-Americas Office for this 1 1/2-day course.
Course DescriptionThe course introduces engineers, geologists and geoscientists to both the fundamental theory and practice of reservoir description and modeling for reservoir management. This course covers the fundamental concepts of reservoir description and modeling using geostatistical techniques. It is an introductory course with emphasis on the principles and practice of integrated studies and uncertainty analysis. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to (l) make decisions on when and where to apply reservoir description and modeling to support reservoir management, (2) understand the methodology of integrated studies (3) select the appropriate reservoir description and geostatistical modeling tools (4) analyze and QC data for reservoir modeling, (5) understand variogram analysis, kriging and stochastic simulation, integrated studies, uncertainty analysis; and (6) recognize the limitations and opportunities for reservoir modeling.
Course ContentsReservoir Modeling FundamentalsWhat is reservoir characterization and modeling? What is reservoir heterogeneity? Scales of heterogeneities What are the strengths and limitations of different reservoir modeling techniques
Overview of Statistics and ProbabilityBasic definitionsHistograms, frequency distribution and probability
Data analysis, QC and PreparationData analysis and QC toolsApplications
Variogram ModelingWhat is it? What is the information to be derived?How to calculate variograms
Kriging TechniquesWhat is kriging?Different types of krigingApplications and limitations of kriging
Stochastic Simulation and Modeling Case StudiesHow to conduct a geostatistical reservoir modeling studyConditional simulation. Use of hard and soft dataSequential indicator simulation and Sequential Gaussian simulationCase Studies of geostatistical modeling
Overview of Uncertainty Analysis and Integrated StudiesWhat is Uncertainty? Integrated Studies?How to account for uncertainty in Integrated reservoir studiesCase Studies

Who Should AttendThis course is designed for petroleum engineers, geologists and geoscientists who need to know the application of reservoir description and modeling to support reservoir management. This course is also for managers and supervisors who wish to update their skills and to be aware of the current level of technology available for reservoir characterization and management.
About the InstructorDr. David O. Ogbe, P.E. is President & Senior Reservoir Engineering Advisor with Greatland Solutions, LLC, in Denver, CO and Professor Emeritus, University of Alaska. Prior to this assignment he was a Lead Reservoir Engineer with Schlumberger, Denver, Colorado. He was a Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Coordinator of the Coalbed Methane for Rural Energy Research Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA. He is a registered professional engineer. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from Louisiana State University and Ph.D. from Stanford University, all in petroleum engineering. Dr. Ogbe has more than 25 years of consulting, teaching and research experience. His areas of specialization are oil and gas reservoir engineering, well testing, reservoir simulation, reservoir characterization and formation evaluation, and large-scale reservoir simulation on high performance computers. He has published 100 technical papers on well testing, reservoir characterization, reservoir simulation, and computer applications. Dr. Ogbe has provided consulting services and training for clients from major and independent oil & gas companies, NOCs, and government agencies world-wide.
RegistrationThe registration deadline is March 27, 2009. The registration fee is $650.00 and is fully refundable until that time. For more details, contact Darien OBrien, P.E. at dgobrien@forestoil.com or (303) 864-6015. Make your check payable to SPE Denver Section and mail to: Darien OBrien, Forest Oil Corporation, 707 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado 80202. Please include the course name, your FULL name (as you would like it to appear on the course completion certificate), SPE member number (if applicable), Title, Company, e-mail address, postal address, phone and fax number. You may also register and pay on-line at http://denver.spe.org/.

Organized by Society of Petroleum Engineers Denver Section
Questions about On-Line Registration? Contact: Mark Shaefer, Treasurer 303-263-8235or Tom Cryan, Webmaster 303-202-9068

Ticket Info:  Member, $650.00

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/257193272/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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