650 15th Street,
Denver, Colorado 80202

Denver Section
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Continuing Education Short Course Offering

Fundamentals of Coalbed Methane

Instructor:John P. Seidle, Ph.D., P.E., MHA Petroleum Consultants
Dates:8:30 5:00 PM Friday, April 17, 2009
Location:Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, 650 15th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202
0.8 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) will be awarded by SPE-Americas Office for this 1 day course.
Course DescriptionThe course is designed to help attendees understand coalbed methane production and assess CBM exploration and development opportunities. A set of course notes is provided, including a CD of Excel spreadsheets suitable for evaluating CBM reserves and producibility.
Course Contentsf Coal Fundamentals and Geologyf Measurement of Coalbged Gas Contentf Isotherms, OGIP and Recovery Factorf Coal Permeabilityf CBM Reservoir Engineeringf Simulation of Coalbed Methane Recoveryf Coal Well Drilling and Completionf Elements of a CBM dealf Classification of CBM reservesf CBM pilot philosophies
Who Should AttendThis course is designed for both technical and managerial staff.

About the InstructorDr. John P. Seidle, P.E. has over 25 years experience in worldwide coalbed methane research, development and instruction. A Registered Professional Engineer in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Wyoming, he has authored 22 technical papers and holds 6 patents related to coalbed methane.
RegistrationThe registration deadline is March 27, 2009. The registration fee is $550.00 and is fully refundable until that time. For more details, contact Darien OBrien, P.E. at dgobrien@forestoil.com or (303) 864-6015. Make your check payable to SPE Denver Section and mail to: Darien OBrien, Forest Oil Corporation, 707 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado 80202. Please include the course name, your FULL name (as you would like it to appear on the course completion certificate), SPE member number (if applicable), Title, Company, e-mail address, postal address, phone and fax number. You may also register and pay on-line at http://denver.spe.org/.

Organized by Society of Petroleum Engineers Denver Section
Questions about On-Line Registration? Contact: Mark Shaefer, Treasurer 303-263-8235or Tom Cryan, Webmaster 303-202-9068

Ticket Info:  Member, $550.00

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/257208317/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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