Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5

Fundamental Principles of Environmental Law in Canada
Tuesday, May 6
7:30-9 p.m.
Room 104, Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University, 6061 University

Come to learn about new fundamental principles that have emerged in
Canadian environmental law such as: environmental rights, the
precautionary principle, the intergenerational equity principle,
sustainability, the public trust, the ecosystem approach, ecological
integrity, the inherent value of the environment, pollution prevention,
and the polluter pays principle.

Jerry DeMarco is Vice-Chair of the Environmental Review Tribunal. He
holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Windsor,
Master's degrees in Science (University of Toronto), Management (McGill
University), and Environmental Studies (York University) as well as a
law degree from the University of Toronto. Jerry's legal practice
included litigating cases before all levels of courts in Canada.

Jerry will provide current examples of their use and the potential for
greater adoption of these principles in Canada. Find out how the law
can better protect our natural environment.

Organized by the East Coast Environmental Law Association
www.ecelaw.ca, Nova Scotia Environmental Network, and the Marine
Environmental Law Institute. For more information, please contact
Tamara Lorincz, Executive Director of NSEN at (902) 454-6846,
nsen@cen-rce.org or go to www.nsen.ca

Official Website: http://www.nsen.ca

Added by thegreenpages on April 23, 2008

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