Roydon Road
Harlow, England CM19 5DY

Dear Colleagues

Fundraising for good courses, such as the Royal British Legion’s Welfare commitment, has always been at the heart of our organisation and will continue whilst needs must.

To this end, we at North Weald Branch are organising a ‘Fund-Raising’ evening at the Harlow Greyhound Stadium on Friday 29th June 2012. Money raised will be for the new Colchester Personnel Recovery Centre which opened in March.

This much needed facility has been funded by the generosity of many stakeholder charities and will continue to rely on our financial commitment for its future recovery program and operational costs.

The Stadium management is giving its full support by dedicating the whole evening, which preceeds Armed Forces Day, to the PRC. Tickets will be available at £5.00 each purchased by you in advance from North Weald RBL.

It is recommended that you sell them on for £7.50 making £2.50 for your charity (nominating the PRC if you wish.) These tickets would normally retail at £8.50 which would include entry, race card/program and a complimentary drink, beer, wine or soft drink, being exceptional value.

The timing of this event, Armed Forces Day eve, has been chosen specifically to highlight the much needed recovery work of returning front line personnel from modern day conflicts that have been either mentally or physically injured. We are inviting associated charities such as RBL, RAFA, H4H and others, to come together and support this much needed work. Please give us your support in supporting them.

The Stadium will also be open to the general public who will be made aware of the PRC and hopefully support us with the charity raffle and/or by donating in the collection buckets throughout the stadium.

We look forward to you giving us your support in making this an exceptional evening and please extend the invitation to as many friends and organisations as possible. We cannot get too much support for this worthy cause.

We thank you in anticipation.

David Bland

Added by Armed Forces Day on April 24, 2012

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