Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, is a holistic scientist who educates doctors and the public about nutritional and environmental medicine, functional medicine (science-based, holistic approaches to diagnosis and therapy), and disease prevention via truly natural lifestyle and dietary modification.
The common approach of allopathic (orthodox) medicine focuses mainly on suppressing the symptoms using artificial substances, which pharmacology and toxicology experts agree are toxic and poisonous for the body, as their central or primary effect.
Functional Medicine concerns itself with an extremely wide variety of health disturbances. The common denominator for these disturbances appears to be chronic stress, which may typically be thought of as deriving from mental or emotional origin, although many other factors can stress the body, like unhealthy food, nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, insufficient rest, infections, physical strain, and injury. All these factors contribute to the body's level of "total stress" - causing it to cross a previously invisible threshold where chronic health disturbances can manifest.
By modifying the patient's activities, nutrient levels, toxic exposure, emotional status, and behavioral patterns based on the individual's unique genetic structure, functional test results, psycho-emotional and medical history, examination findings, and environmental exposures, we can create the necessary biochemical changes that enhance the protection of DNA in times of undue stress.
Tel-Oren, an MD trained in Europe and the USA (licensed in Europe), is President Emeritus of the University of Natural Medicine (Santa Fe, New Mexico), where he is Dean of Medical Sciences and Professor of Functional and Nutritional Medicine. He is also founder and president of: FDH Foundation - promoting cutting-edge scientific knowledge and technologies that empower people to prevent and reverse disease.
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Added by FullCalendar on November 14, 2009