1100 Trevilian Way
Louisville, Kentucky 40213

Ride the Conservation Carousel--Take a ride on this beautiful antique carousel from 10:45 am to 3:45 pm for only $1.50 Located near the front plaza. Purchase tickets at the front Ticket Windows. The carousel does not run at all when temperatures are below 45 degrees. From 10:30 am to 4 pm, visit the 4-D Ride Theater--The exciting 4-D motion ride at the Louisville Zoo includes 3-D projection, surround-sound and exciting 4-D special effects like bubbles, wind, water squirts, and other surprises. Now Showing: SpongeBob SquarePants . Enjoy feeding the Lorikeets--Continuously at Lorikeet Landing when temperatures are 45 degrees or above. Nectar may be purchased at the exhibit for $1 per cup.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 9, 2011

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