6522 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90028

The World’s 1st Live Immersive Video Event - live video mixing - installations - immersive video - helium - solo VJ’s - group jams

VJs: Animal Charm, Digital Vic, Eye Pscience, Jim Ellis, Mekanix, Michael Allen, Momo the Monster, Mr. Tamale, Phi Phenom, Salty Robot, Shikaku, VJ Fader, VJ FiLL, DJs: DJ Paul V., Kristinasky, DJ Coolwhip, Mexican Dubwiser, Louisahhh!!!!, Gina Turner, DJ Clutch, Franki Chan with VIP Guest from Check Yo’ Ponytail

9 pm - midnight: eclectic world music
midnight - 3am: dance music
$15 entry at the door
$10 online at www.freewaves.org/funrazor.html

Official Website: http://www.freewaves.org/funrazor.html

Added by Charlene Boehne on September 10, 2007