505 Central Avenue,
Dover, New Hampshire 03820

This month's Parent's Night Out will be a FUN & GAMES NIGHT featuring 3 hours of fun games for ages 4-11. Students are welcome and encouraged to bring friends to this event.
Friends must have their parents present to sign them in and out! Registration is only $10 per child and pre-registration by the day before is required so that we may adequately plan for staffing.
A sample Fun & Games Night schedule looks like this: *
6:00-6:15 Registration and Meet and Greet
6:15-7:15 Age Appropriate Games
7:15-7:45 Snack and Theme Movie
7:45- 8:15 Craft
8:15- 8:45 Age Appropriate Games
8:45-9:00 Pick Up
*Schedule may be adjusted as necessary. This is a sample only.
SAVE TIME & MONEY!!! Fun & Games night is held every month on the second Friday like clockwork. You know your child is going to go, so why not register for the next 12 months right now and get it over with? Why not save a little money, too, while you're at it?
Register right now for Fun & Games nights for the next 12 months and get 2 free. That's right, 12 for the price of 10. Even if you happen to miss one, for some reason, you still won't lose anything. So get it over with now and you will have your inexpensive 'date night' taken care of for the next 12 months.
Note: There are no refunds available for Fun & Games nights for any reason.

Organized by Matt Randall's Black Belt Academy, Inc.
(603) 743-6500 office@mrbba.com www.MRBBA.com

Ticket Info:  
  • pre-registration, $10.99
  • All Access Pass member, Free

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/242191401/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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