Learn to use sign language through songs, games and play. Time to Sign is the leader of sign language instruction for the early childhood education and care professionals.
Aprenda a utilizar lenguaje por seas por canciones, los juegos y jugar. El tiempo de Firmar es el lder de la instruccin de lenguaje por seas para la educacin temprana de niez y profesionales de cuidado.
Presented by/Presentado por Lillian I. Hubler
Organized by Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County, Inc.The 4C Council is thoroughly committed to coordinating and promoting the accessibility of licensed or exempt child care for all parents, children and providers in the community with a wide range of information and support services that encourage parents to seek a safe, healthy environment for child care. Please contact our Resource and Referral Department at (408) 487-0749 with any questions.
Visit us at www.4c.org
Providing Early Care and Education 4Children
Ticket Info: - Registration Fee For Providers /El Precio Para Proveedoras, $20.00
- Registration Fee For CCIP Providers /El Precio Para CCIP Proveedoras, Free
- Registration Fee For Growing, Learning & caring Program Providers /El Precio Para GLC Proveedoras, Free
- Registration Fee For Parents/El Precio Para Padres, $20.00
Official Website: http://timetosign2-upcoming.eventbrite.com