Do you find it difficult to consistently deliver innovation? Is it hard to get internal buy-in for your innovation initiatives?Do you wish you had a proven model for selecting the ideas that are most likely to become successful innovations?Do you wish you had a dynamic and powerful toolset to help you manage your innovation projects from idea to realization to broad and long-term adoption?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you can't afford to miss Full Innovation Ahead.
This is a powerful presentation on cutting-edge innovation management tools and techniques to dramatically increase innovation effectiveness.
The presentation will be followed by Q&A. Hors d'uvres will be served at 6PM.
What will be covered?
Introduction to Full Innovation and Its Context within Existing Innovation Management PracticeInnovation Truths and MythsTypes of Innovation and the Importance of Innovation ClustersRevolutionary Innovation without any Revolutionary Ideas?Innovation Processes and the Foundation for Innovation SuccessThe Alignment Innovation Process
Who should attend?
Anyone responsible for driving or delivering innovation in their organization.
We also strongly encourage participation from entrepreneurs!
About the presenter
Julian Keith Loren will be explaining the innovation management methodology that he has been refining over 15 years as a successful innovator. In other words, he will be giving away all his secrets on how to repeatedly convert ideas into widely-adopted products and services!
For more information on the presenter's profile, please visitwww.linkedin.com/in/juliankeithloren
We look forward to seeing you on March 31!
Thank you!
PS: And if you haven't already done so, please join our LinkedIn and
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Organized by Innovation Management InstituteThe INNOVATION MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE organizes workshops and events where innovators and innovation managers learn proven tools and techniques for innovation success.Please visit www.innomgmt.com for details.
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Ticket Info: General Admission, $51.15
Official Website: http://fullinnovationahead-upcoming.eventbrite.com