Swayambu, Central Power Research Institute
BANGALORE, Karnataka 560012

Full-day Technical Workshop

Fiber Optic Communication systems and Networks

Prof. Rajappa Papannareddy1 and Dr. T. Srinivas2

1Professor , College of Engineering and Technology,

Purdue University North Central, IN, USA

2Asistant Professor, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Venue: Swayambu, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore

Date & Time: Saturday, 30 Dec 2006, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm


The optical fiber systems have evolved from simple local area networks to ultra long haul, metro, and access networks across many parts of the world. This workshop presents an overview of optical fiber communication systems and their networks describing various types of optical fiber components & devices, systems, and networks. First, components and devices such as optical fibers, lasers, and photo detectors and other passive elements will be described. Second, the systems including point to point data links and long-haul links will be discussed. Third, the fiber optic networks such as long haul DWDM, metro, and access networks evolving from Fiber to the Curb (FTTC) to Fibe1r to Premises (FTTP) will be reviewed.

Speaker Profile

Dr. Papannareddy, Rajappa received received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas in 1987. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 2000. During 2001-2002, he worked in the fiber optic industry (on leave of absence) in the areas of HFC/CATV transmission systems at ARRIS International, Atlanta and long-haul DWDM transmission systems at CIENA Corporation, Maryland. He has been visiting professor to Indian Institute of Science. He has authored two textbooks in the area of lightwave communication systems and his research interests include optical fiber communication systems and networks.

Dr. T. Srinivas obtained his Ph D from Indian Institute of Science in 1993. He has been post doctoral research fellow at Toyohashi University of Technology during 1992-1996. His current area of research specialization is micro-nano photonic devices for application to WDM optical networks and fiber-optic sensors. He is a member of Executive Committee, IEEE Bangalore Section and currently the Chair, professional activities.


IEEE Members : Rs. 1000 ;IEEE student members: Rs. 600; General participants : Rs. 1500; Students : Rs. 750

Registration includes: lunch & notes on CD

Registration deadline: 26 Dec 2006

Preference will be given to IEEE members in case of over registration

Registration fee to be paid only by cheque/ DD in favour of IEEE Bangalore Section

Contact: Dr. T. Srinivas, Assistant Professor, Applied Photonics Lab,

ECE Dept, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012

Tel: 22932852; Email: srinu@ece.iisc.ernet.in; web: ieee.org/Bangalore

Official Website: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r10/bangalore/

Added by PARTICLEREDDY on December 8, 2006

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