Fucking Buckaroos (stationed in San Francisco, CA), were birthed in the fall of 2004 when four musicians with a common distaste for effects-ridden music began working hard to cause a ruckus that could snarl and claw its way through the hackneyed drone of modern sound, and relieve the world of this terrible burden. The difference between the Fucking Buckaroos and other modern day folk-esque groups (like the punk rock Flogging Molly or most of the alt country scene) is that when the other bands turn to blasting distortion behind a fiddle or slowly picking a banjo over electronic samples to achieve power, the Buckaroos do it the old-fashioned way: by gargling Garth Brooks' semen, and waiting until they really need to pee before they play. You will find none of that processed bullshit here; they play raw, loud, and honest. Mostly. Dirk Fistly, The Profligation :
who: Fucking Buckaroos and Tatanka Iyotake
when: Jun 23, 2007, 10:00 PM
where: Pearl Lounge, 507 2nd St, Eureka, Cost: 5.00
band website:
band members:
Tim Sandberg - banjo, harmonica, guitar, vocals.
Ricky Pugh - guitar, mandolin, banjo, vocals.
Thomas Puhek - bass, vocals.
Andy Appleton - drums, vocals.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of humcity.
Added by Humboldt on June 22, 2007