The purpose of Fuck Yeah Fest is to bring together independent artist and musicians of all styles and genres into one area for a night of goodtimes. Everything from stand up comedy to hip hop to folk to spoken word to straight up rock to a fucking 60?s soul group. Our goal is to make it that any average joe can come down to Echo Park and enjoy themselves for an evening free of charge. Yes, this fest is free. That shows you how amazing we are. This will be taking place Friday, July 2nd and will be starting at 7pm.
bands: Wires on Fire
The Mae Shi
Toys that Kill
Giant Drag
The Mean Reds
michael runion will never die
Vagtown 2000
Sabertooth Tiger
Horse the Band
Big Muscles
Snake vs. Wizard
this song is a mess and so am i
jesus makes a shot gun sound
Shark Pants,
The Leeches
Werewolf With Robot Hands
Nantucket Suicide
That's just a few to name. The bands listed are all smaller LA acts with a decent following. There will be well name headliners but they will not be announced till the night of the show due to this being a free show. Also at the Echo peeps will be spinning records all night long, it?s going to be a fucking dance party.
also, afterwards at 2am till god knows when at a location off 7th and rampart there will be a party with Subtitle and two special guest bands. Ask someone and you might get the directions but you won't find out who is playing till the day of the show. It's a secert.
Artist? Travis M.(Fudge Factory Comics/ get up kids covers)
Tim Presley(Darker My Love and Nerve Agents fame)
Matt Rubin(
Bryan Sheffield(
Jeremy Michael Weiss(
Frankie Chan(
Clair Weiss
Nathan Flecter (
Travis Keller(
Jason Irwin
Robin R.(
John Baggy
Heather Peters
christy doe
Shanna Fisher(
Brendan Monroe
Mishelle Blade
Gigantic plus a million more.
Spoken word: Shawna Kenney(author of I was a Teenage Dominatrix), Todd Taylor (author of Born to Rock, co editor of Razorcake and also from Flipside fame) Sean Carswell (author of Drinks for the Little Guy and co editor of Razorcake.) Clint Hiedorn (10,000 dollars worth of Jaw) Keith Morris(Circle Jerks/punk rock prodigy) and more TBA.
Comedians: Zach Galaifinakis (VH1's late world w/zach, comedy central, out cold, tru calling) Howard Kremer (mtv's austin stories, sci-fi's scare tactics, jimmy kimmel) Craig Anton (jimmy kimmel, conan obrien, craig kilborn), Dan Mintz (Jimmy kimmel, crank yankers), Scott Aukerman (Mr.Show), Matthew Dwyer(upright citizens brigade), Blaine Capatch (beat the geeks) Jonah Ray ("ever heard of Hollywood?...yeah, that?s him") plus more.
Information about the artist and time schedules?????.
At each location the night of the show you will be able to pick up a booklet that will have information on each artist and group as well as a short write up about them and their web address. A detailed time schedule for each location will also be included. This is designed so no one misses the group that came to see.
if you have any questions contact
Added by lhl on June 30, 2004