947 E St.
San Diego, California 92102

Help others while you help yourself.

Shop for one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones at The Roseary Room on Friday December 7th.

From 6 to 11 PM, The Postmodern Fox presents Fuck The Mall: A Holiday Trunk and Art Show, an event that showcases emerging designers and artists while benefiting the San Diego Burrito Project, an organization to help feed the hungry and homeless in San Diego.

Blue Jean Vintage (Womens Apparel & Jewelry)
The Remote Plantation (Shirts & Hoodies)
House Of Chaos (Glassware)
Black Heart Bunny (Womens Apparel)
Who?dini Handmade (Wallets & Purses)
The Dead View Project (Shirts)

Damian Genuardi (NY) - www.myspace.com/theexplosion
Blake E. Marquis (MA) - www.camecrashing.com
Ricky Powell (NY) - www.rickypowell.com
Teddy Pancake (CA) - www.teddypancake.com
Jason Fischer (CA) - www.studiojfish.com

Sounds provided by:
DJ Claire

Admission - $3.
A portion of the proceeds go to the San Diego Burrito Project.
21 + UP

The Roseary Room
947 E Street
(Near the corner of 10th and E Street next to Pokez in Downtown San Diego.)
San Diego, CA 92102

For more information on this event please e-mail thepostmodernfox@gmail.com

For information on the San Diego Burrito Project, please visit www.burritoproject.org or www.myspace.com/sdburritoproject.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of igniteevent.

Added by steadyevents on November 29, 2007

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