Masterclass with Lloyd Davis - £495+VAT
Social Media and Online Social Networking are transforming our business and personal lives. Few people can have escaped entirely from some exposure to the power and benefits of this revolution in how we communicate and collaborate. But even fewer can claim mastery over the tools and techniques or fully understand how to apply them to achieve specific business goals. Anyway, how on earth can you find the time? What about your "real work"?
In this masterclass you'll get to work with Lloyd Davis, one of London's most popular and experienced social media experts. Lloyd will help you understand what social media's really all about and how to build rich and productive online relationships using simple tools. You will also gain some practical experience of creating some social media and get help with applying what you've learned to your personal business context.
The day is designed for marketing and communications professionals who want to understand better just how social media and online social networking can work for them. With no more than 9 participants, you'll be assured of individual attention. Most participants will already have some experience of at least one aspect of social media, but will want to become more comfortable and confident with a wider range of tools. You should bring along an example of a business issue that you'd like help with.
Official Website:
Added by Lloyd.Davis on June 19, 2008