610 North Fairbanks Court
Chicago, Illinois 60611


WHAT: Front & Center with John Callaway, Chicago’s only monthly public affairs program on military affairs, takes a look at the strategic position and interests of Israel.

WHY: With the Iraq war a key focal point in the presidential primaries, Israel garners few headlines. Yet the strategic interests of this long-time American partner are critical to the future of stability in the Middle East. How do the goals and ambitions of Israel mesh with U.S. policy and what are the main points of strategic difference?

WHERE: Pritzker Military Library, 610 N. Fairbanks Court, Chicago.

WHEN: The presentation and live webcast will begin on Thursday, March 27th, at 6:00 p.m.

HOW: This program is free and open to the public. Seating for this event is limited, so reservations are strongly recommended. Call 312.587.0234 or email events@pritzkermilitarylibrary.net.

WHO: Veteran Chicago journalist John Callaway moderates discussion with a panel including Barukh Binah, Consul General of Israel in Chicago, and Raja Kamal from the University of Chicago.

The Pritzker Military Library is a non-partisan military research library with over 26,000 historical, reference, biographical and rare books on military subjects, over 800 original antique military posters and prints, and other military artifacts from private donors and the collection of COL (IL) James N. Pritzker, ARNG (Ret.). Since opening in October 2003, the Library has produced over 180 programs including author events, interviews with Medal of Honor recipients, and Chicago’s only monthly military affairs panel program, Front & Center with John Callaway.

Official Website: http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/events

Added by pritzkermilitarylibrary on January 23, 2008