From That Little Minnesota Town to Positively 4th Street
1:00 p.m.
B.J. Rolfzen, Dylan's Hibbing High School English teacher, reads poetry and reflects on his times with the young Robert Zimmerman.
1:45 p.m.
North Country Music in Zimmys Teen Years
Panelists include: Leroy Hoikkala, member of Dylan's first Hibbing band, The Golden Chords; John Bucklen, childhood friend and music buddy; Dave Engel, historian and author of Just Like Bob Zimmerman's Blues: Dylan in Minnesota; and moderator Colleen Sheehy, Weisman curator for Bob Dylan's American Journey.
3:00 p.m.
Tales of Dinkytown and West Bank Music Scenes
Hear this group spin tales of musical intrigue and innovation, reflecting on the local scene in Dylan's years and beyond. Participants include music legends "Spider" John Koerner and Tony "Little Sun" Glover; James "Red" Nelson, owner of Dinkytowns folk music incubator, "The Scholar" coffee house; Cyn Collins, author of a new book on Minneapoliss West Bank musicians; and moderator Martin Keller, music writer and author of the new Music Legends: A Rewind on the Minnesota Music Scene.
Beverages and menu items from the Loring Pasta Bar will be available for purchase during the programs.
Event submitted by on behalf of indietickets.
Added by indietickets on January 24, 2007