2500 N Main St
Santa Ana, California 92705

This is an informative and entertaining public program, presented by David George Gordon, and featuring color slides, videotape segments, and -- what else? -- live cooking demonstrations!!

It begins with an overview of the world's bug-eating cultures. It presents compelling arguments in support of entomophagy (Point-of-fact: A dried grasshopper's body is more than 60-percent protein, twice that of chicken or beef) and offers practical advice on obtaining and preparing crickets, mealworms, bee larvae and other bug delicacies.

For the program's grand finale, several audience members help prepare a sumptuous bug dish on-stage. Then the crowd is invited to sample the exotic fare -- Orthopteran Orzo (in which crickets give the pasta salad an extra kick), Pest-O (common vine weevils get their comeuppance in a delicate basil sauce) or other treats from The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook's pages.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of DSCinOC.

Added by DSCinOC on June 25, 2008