1500 Old Towne Rd
Charleston, South Carolina 29407

Before cotton was king and rice reigned supreme, South Carolina colonists struggled to find a cash crop that would provide them with a life of luxury. Colonists experimented with a variety of plants for both produce and profit. Join us at Charles Town Landing for "From Seeds to Shillings: Growing Wealth at Charles Towne". See costumed interpreters working in the crop garden and ask them what they are growing. Learn how colonial crops were used as medicines, fragrances, and dyes. Talk to the apothecary about health and healing. Experience colonial colors and fragrances as you participate in indigo dying and in making your own sweetbag, a colonial form of perfume. Visit the communal lodging house to see what's on the menu and watch how an indentured servant would have cooked meals over an open hearth.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 3, 2010