Two-time U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins once remarked that "the poetic process isn't completed until a reader receives its product." In an age where we share everything—from photos to music to Twitter statuses—our poetry, too, seems to be shifting from private to public expression.
The number of literary journals on the market is continuously rising and e-zines are becoming an increasingly legitimate publishing option. How then do contemporary poets go about fulfilling an audience's demand for literary accessibility while maintaining the complex interrelations between the facets of their own identities that ultimately fuel their artistic work?
Poets on this panel will discuss the ways in which they approach the intersection at which writer and recipient meet: deciding what content matters, how best to present it and, most importantly, to whom.
PANELISTS: Samiya Bashir, Trebor Healey, G. Winston James, and Brane Mozetic
MODERATOR: Philip Matthews
Sunday, May 17, 2009
1:00 p.m.
Bourbon Orleans Ballroom
Official Website:
Added by Scryptkeeper on May 5, 2009
Phyllis Montana-Leblanc
I'm just a few hours too late to attend! Phyllis Montana-Leblanc, featured in Spike Lee's HBO Documentary; "When The Levees Broke" Author of; "Not Just The Levees Broke" My Story During And After Hurricane Katrina. Foreword by: Spike Lee. Primary Performer in David Simon's HBO New Orleans Drama; "Treme."