1055 Thomas Jefferson Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20007

**Register for this event at http://fromprinttoweb.eventbrite.com**

Are you a designer who longs to make the leap from print to Web? Or maybe you just want to know how it’s done?

The ADCMW invites you to an evening of discussion and Q&A that you can't afford to miss. Dan Rubin, designer, Web developer and author of superfluousbanter.org, will be in Georgetown discussing the not-so-obvious similarities between print and Web, common misconceptions, and how to make the transition as painless as possible.

Come prepared to step up to ask and fire questions of the people who have been there, and done that.

Dan Rubin is a graphic designer, web developer and musician in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is the principal of Webgraph, a design and branding studio, co-founder of Sidebar Creative, a design collective and Sinelogic, a UI and usability consultancy. In addition to writing the blog http://superfluousbanter.org he recently co-authored Pro CSS Techniques (Apress, 2006) and Web Standards Creativity (friends of ED, 2007), contributed to the second edition of Cascading Style Sheets: Separating Content from Presentation (friends of ED, 2004), and my CSS Zen Garden design is featured in The Zen of CSS Design by Dave Shea and Molly Holzschlag.

Members: $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Non-Members: $25 in advance, $30 at the door
Students: $15

Creative by Poccuo : http://www.poccuo.com/

Thank you to our sponsors:

Silver Sponsor:
Viget Labs : http://www.viget.com

Event Sponsor:
CDIA Boston University : http://www.cdiabu.com/

Would you like to be a sponsor for this event? Contact ADCMWprograms@me.com

Official Website: http://www.adcmw.org

Added by SamanthaToy on October 13, 2008