19 Phillips St
Boston, Massachusetts

Join GesherCity Boston, Havurah on the Hill, and Birthright Israel NEXT for a Kabbalat Shabbat service, 2008 Election Forum, and catered Kosher dinner- Many young adults feel that their votes don't count and that creating change is out of their hands. Join McCain Campaign Representative Paul Loscocco and Obama Campaign Representative Mark Goodman to hear how the major parties plan to address all types of "Jewish issues" – from protecting Israel to standing up for economic change. Ask your questions and get answers about the issues YOU care about. Pre-registration is required. To register, go to http://www.vilnashul.com/calendar/event/kabbalat-shabbat-sept-12-2008/. Questions? Call Julie at 617-457-8664 or email jaronowitz@jcrcboston.org

Official Website: http://www.vilnashul.com/calendar/event/kabbalat-shabbat-sept-12-2008/

Added by HaMesiba on September 2, 2008

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