Hosted by Cindy
The most enjoyment you will ever have on your horse
is working as a team to outmaneuver a cow.
Learn to be in the right place,
at the right time, in the right position and you will be a contributing part of
the roundup. A valuable tool in knowing just where to be is identifying the
cows recognition zone, flight zone and fight zone and how to use those zones to
move cattle smoothly and quietly. The cattle will give you many opportunities to
learn as you gather yearlings and bring them into the pens for sorting.
Sometimes cows and calves need to
be separated and placed in different pens. Sometimes it is steers that need to
be separated from heifers. Whatever the reason for sorting, you will learn the
strategy and horsemanship necessary to get those cows in the right pen and make
a clean sort.
Rodear Work
A traditional cutting method that
is still used on big cattle ranches. As the crew hold the cattle in a circle,
each rider takes their turn easing into the herd, peeling off a cow and driving
it out. You will learn how to use the circle to your advantage to stay one jump
ahead of the cow. It is a great way to build your horses confidence. This one
you will have to experience to appreciate. The same applies to trailer
Trailer Loading
Without chutes, without fences,
you and your partners will learn how to load cattle into a stock trailer so that
the cows want to be thereand stay there. This exercise will teach you to watch
the eyes, ears and body language of your cow to know just where its attention
is. You will learn how to make your idea become the cows idea; a great test of
your mastery of position, pressure and release and cow psychology.
It is just plain fun to outwit a
cow, to have your horse in position to block and turn the animal and put it just
where you want it to be. Working cattle is also a great way to loose your
insecurities and inhibitions and ride much better than ever before. Horses and
people both learn faster and relax quicker when they have a job to do. There is
no better job than working cattle.
Atmosphere Included
Cowboy Camaraderie
Breathtaking Sunrises and
Plenty of time to talk
horse and cow"
Organized by Bob King's Cowboy School, Inc.Howdy!
For some, it's the dream of living life in the open air, where blue skies and vast endless spaces are a daily part of life.
For you it might be about carrying-on an American legend and becoming the best cowboy you can be. Whatever your inspiration, at Cowboy School, you'll be trained in the finest traditions and skills of the old west.
Come on - ride and rope with us.
from horsemanship to cattle work, ranch roping, range management, and more, you'll learn by doing, getting hands on right away.
Ticket Info: Friendsville, TN - Cow Work Clinic - Deposit, $358.75
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/270968474/upcoming